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Model: ae_fltr_21_125Part Number: AD062
Astro Essential colour filters for astronomy are most often used to enhance contrast when observing the Moon and planets.
Results depend on seeing conditions, the telescope and the target being observed or photographed but the right filter can make a significant difference when, for example, viewing the lunar surface or teasing detail from Jupiter's weather bands or Saturn's rings.
See our handy guide to colour filters and how they can help improve your lunar and planetary visual observing.
Been using this to observe the moon. The first thing you'll notice unsurprisingly is that the moon is a deep shade of orange. This certainly helps to reduce the bright glare so no moon filter needed. The surface details seem far more pronounced. The crater shadows seem sharper. You can see a lot more smaller surface detail which tends to be a bit washed out without the filter. Overall the image just seems sharper and more detailed. A great investment for little money.
Purchased 4 filters plus 1 filter included for free. Loads of fun swapping them around, the orange one seems great for the moon. Well made comes in solid plastic container and cheaper than buying a set.
The housing measures 7.5mm plus 2.5mm for the thread.