Home > Accessories > ADM Guidescope Rings and Systems > ADM Losmandy Type D Series
Model: adm_rc6_xlPart Number: DRC6-XL
Fits StellaLyra, Astro tech, Orion, TS and GSO 6″ f/9 Ritchey-Chretien OTA’s.
Used for attaching telescope OTA to existing mount or attaching accessories to top of OTA.
The XL version adds extra length to the back of the dovetail bar. Ideal for balancing heavy imaging trains. Curved radius blocks and mounting hardware included.
Uses existing mounting holes in OTA. 18″ long, 4.0″ wide, .5″ thick, Wt. as shown 40 oz.
My Stellalyra 6” RCT came with the usual standard vixen dovetail and I replaced it with this one. Because the losmandy is wider, the supplied radius clamps are also bigger, providing a more stable grip on the OTA. All fits very nicely. Beautiful machined and quite heavy so it will add to your payload, especially when putting the original the vixen dovetail on top of the scope as I did.It’s now easier to balance in dec and the rig sits very solid in the AM3. Despite the price tag I recommend this item as an essential upgrade for a GSO RCT.This dovetail doesn’t have any spare holes to fit accessories but I knew that so no stars dropped.