ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 Camera
ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 CameraZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 CameraZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 CameraZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 Camera

ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 Camera

  (8 Reviews)
✓ 2 year warranty


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About this product

Model:  zwo_asi678mc
Part Number:  ZWO ASI678MC

The ASI678MC uses Sony's latest generation IMX678 CMOS sensor with an excellent near-infrared response.

The sensor frame format is 1.1.8", with 2um pixels in a 3840x2160 array.

In ADC 12-bit mode, the ASI678MM can output 47.5 frames per second at full resolution, and it has a read-out noise level as low as 0.6e

The ASI678MC is the ideal upgrade from the ASI178MC and features zero amp glow, lower read noise and higher sensitivity.

The excellent near IR sensitivity ensures the ASI678MC will work very well for NIR Planetary imaging with a suitable NIR filter.


  • Sony IMX678 Sensor
  • 1/1.8" format sensor, 7.7 x 4.3mm
  • 3840 x 2160 Resolution
  • 2μm Square Pixels
  • 12bit ADC
  • Peak QE ~83%
  • Read Noise 0.6e, Full Well 11270e
  • Up to 47.5ps capture rate
  • USB3.0
  • Back Focus 12.5mm

Downloads / Manuals

The following manuals and downloads are available for this product:


ZWO Software and Drivers


Customer reviews

Average Rating (8 Reviews):  
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Rating (max 5):  
Great camera for planetary work
09 March 2025  | 

Bought for planetary imaging because of the small pixel size. Only used once so far, but clearly an improvement on the previous camera I was using ( smaller pixels, much faster frame rate), also came with a nice meteor lens. All I need now is some decent seeing!

Rating (max 5):  
ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 Camera
23 February 2025  | 

Another great service from FLO. Had a chance to test the camera with my C11 and I very impressed with the performance. There was no need to use my 2.5x powermate that I normally use because this camera has small pixel size. Also the colours produced by the camera was much more natural than my previous camera. I was also able to get over 130fps which is needed for Lucky imaging. I think I'm going to like using this camera. Thank you FLO

Rating (max 5):  
Good match for Celestron C9.25
09 February 2025  | 

I wanted another planetary camera to use with my Celestron C9.25 and I was attracted to the ASI678MC as it does not need a barlow lens with this telescope.
The camera arrive swiftly from FLO and despite the warning label on the box there were no clouds that night! I aimed at Jupiter and sure enough a nice big disc on the Sharpcap screen without a Barlow.
Seeing was not great that night but after processing I was pleased with my captures.
The camera has the usual superb finish expected from ZWO products and is a useful alternative to my 533MC and 120MC-S. I think there is a good chance that it will be useful on small DSO's and double stars
but as usual the clouds are back thwarting any further experimentation.
Recommended but do lots of research to make sure it is good for your set-up.

Rating (max 5):  
04 November 2024  | 

I am very pleased with the camera, have not had chance to try it out yet the weather has not been good. i would like to thank Ian and Alex for there support in pointing me in the right direction.
also as always delivery was very quick. What more can i say, First Class.

Clear skies soon i hope.


Rating (max 5):  
Superb camera
08 June 2024  | 

Bought this primarily as an all sky camera, which is how I’m using it at the moment, with a view to doing some planetary work when the planets are next in a favourable position.
The supplied lens is perfect for the all sky set up, and gives a near 360° view.
Good quality camera with an excellent spec, and first class service from FLO as always.

Rating (max 5):  
Great camera
05 February 2024  | 

So far a great little camera, I bought this to build an all sky camera and with ZWO’s own software it’s so easy. I also plan to have a go at planetary imaging with it , if all goes well I see a second transaction taking place, thanks FLO I was expecting a 3day delivery and received it the next day! It was like Xmas all over.

Rating (max 5):  
Could remove the need for a Barlow
25 November 2022  | 

I’ve just shot Jupiter with my EdgeHD 11 and this camera.
The image nicely fills the frame at 640x480 with no need for a Barlow. It’s also very fast when used with firecapture .
If they ever bring out a mono version I will be getting that as well.

Rating (max 5):  
ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 Camera
03 October 2022  | 

I received the camera , and got it working on my Windows10 laptop after updating updating the driver and ASIStudio from the ZWO website . I had a chance to image Jupiter with my Celestron 8SE and got some good results with reasonable colour and detail on the planet . I also have the 642 NIR filter for imaging in the near-infra red , and have ordered the ZWO UV-IR cut filter (1,25in ) . I look forward to further imaging of Jupiter , Saturn and also some lunar imaging.....


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