Home > Telescopes > Lunt Solar > 40-50mm H-alpha Telescopes
Model: lunt_ls40tha_b600Part Number: 0551146
The LS40THa/B600 H-alpha solar telescope with 40mm aperture, 400mm focal length, <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth, B600 blocking filter and Helical focuser provides a safe, easy and affordable way to view prominences, filaments and flares.
The B600 Blocking Filter offers a larger field of view than the B500 Blocker.
Good build quality. The B600 Blocking Filter is more than adequate for viewing. The only real let down is the helical focuser. Considering that the telescope itself is over a thousand pounds, would it have been too much to have included a standard rack and pinion focuser. However, I did manage to get an image of the sun using a dslr camera. I think that if Lunt made the 50mm version with a rack and pinion focuser they would be on to a winner. I did contact FLO about getting a replacement rack and pinion focuser for the LS40THa but they said that they were hard to acquire. That is my only real gripe about an otherwise good telescope. However, I should have purchased the 50mm or 60mm version. The 60mm version comes with a rack and pinion focuser.