Astro Essentials Solar Finder
Astro Essentials Solar FinderAstro Essentials Solar FinderAstro Essentials Solar Finder

Astro Essentials Solar Finder

Now: £26.10 (Save:  £2.90) Was:  £29.00
  (2 Reviews)
✓ 2 year warranty


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About this product

Model:  ae_solar_finder

Astro Essentials Solar Finder

Solar finder supplied with 3D Printed Finderscope Bracket.

The 34mm width finder bracket base fits standard Synta, Sky-Watcher, Celestron, StellaLyra, StellaMira, and most other Vixen-type finder shoes. 

The Astro Essentials Solar Finder makes locating the sun in your main telescope safer and more convenient. 

Light from the Sun forms a bright spot on the Solar Finder's rear translucent panel. When the spot is in the centre of the reticule, your telescope is pointing at the Sun. Easy! 

IMPORTANT: Never view the Sun without a suitable Solar Filter!  Solar observing is dangerous and can be hazardous to eyesight. 


Customer reviews

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Just the job
20 April 2024  | 

Bought this to replace my homemade sun finder of a plastic pipe with black bin liner with a pin hole projecting onto a paper backing with a compass drawn circle and a centred cross on it stuck onto the OTA with tape. This fitted into the shoe on the OTA and with a minor adjustment to match the sun image on laptop screen from ZWO533 camera got both screen image and the sun finder bright spot centred and aligned. Perfect alignment now just need some sunshine without clouds, if only.

Rating (max 5):  
30 March 2024  | 

Bought one of these to fit my 80mm Refractor which I am taking to the Total Solar Eclipse in April 2024, however I was unable to see any image of the sun through the finder to align with the telescope , just an area of brightness.


There is no image of the Sun.
The area of brightness you see is a spot of sunlight projected onto a reticule. Simply move the telescope until the spot is centred on the reticule.
HTH :-)


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