The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets Book

The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets Book

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Model:  sprgr_9781441906021
Part Number:  9781441906021

The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets - A Monthly Guide for CCD Imaging with Amateur Telescopes

Authors: Kier, Ruben

  • The first guidebook to specifically target the best objects for backyard astrophotography

  • Organised into monthly chapters so readers can quickly find the best targets for any night of the year

  • Helps readers to locate and quickly identify objects that will be both easy to image and provide great visual appeal 

Astronomical observing and photography are favourite pastimes of yours. You want to combine the two, but you’re not sure how. Or perhaps you have dabbled in astronomy for a while and want to take another step.

What do you photograph? Will something that looks amazing as you peer at it through a telescope look the same in a photograph? There are so many dazzling sights in the night sky. How to choose?

Ruben Kier has some answers for you. With his technical expertise and wide experience as both a visual observer and a photographer, he can help you attain some of the best images you can imagine, perhaps ones you will want to send to a magazine or proudly put up on your website. And the secret is – it’s not that hard! It’s mostly a matter of choosing the right subjects and then doing the necessary post-processing to get results that will dazzle.

So get out there on the next clear night and create something to show for your efforts. Your friends will be impressed, and you will be thrilled at how you are able to combine the two passions of your life into one.


Kier comes to the rescue with targets that are well placed at different times during each month. … Each target has a colour image and a description, plus advice on the equipment you’ll need. There’s useful advice on processing too. … seasoned imagers will enjoy this book.(Steve Richards, Sky at Night Magazine, February, 2010)

This book is one of the Patrick Moore’s Practical Astronomy series from Springer, aimed at the practising … amateur astronomer. … The book’s intent is to provide a visually compelling list of the 100 most interesting deep sky objects from the perspective of a digital imager, more precisely of the CCD user. … This book is a good starter for going beyond the early shots and provides a reasonable reference on what to expect from each target … .(Andrea Tasselli, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Vol. 120 (1), 2010)

Ruben Kier, a highly accomplished astrophotographer, has compiled an impressive list of 100 objects, arranged in order of when they are best placed for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. … Though the book is clearly aimed at the established imager … . I was particularly impressed at how well some deep sky objects can now be imaged even with the full moon in the sky. The book will serve as an inspiration to those wishing to take their CCD imaging to the next level.(Neil English, Astronomy Now, May, 2010)

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The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets Book
02 June 2021  | 

Astrobackyard recommended this book so I bought it with some birthday money. It is a good read on it's own but very useful because of the month by month descriptions so when you know there are going to be clear skies one night and you're not sure where to go for a good target.


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