Choosing and Using Astronomical Filters Book

Choosing and Using Astronomical Filters Book

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Model:  sprgr_9781493910434
Part Number:  9781493910434

Choosing and Using Astronomical Filters

Authors: Griffiths, Martin

  • Provides an in-depth look at the telescope accessories known as astronomical filters
  • Includes the history of different types of filters, their uses and specialist techniques
  • Features a basic guide to using Adobe Photoshop to further enhance images
  • Includes an observational guide to 100 astronomical objects that you can see better with filters, personally imaged by the author 

As a casual read through any of the major amateur astronomical magazines will demonstrate, there are filters available for all aspects of optical astronomy. This book provides a ready resource on the use of the following filters, among others, for observational astronomy or for imaging:

Light pollution filters
Planetary filters
Solar filters
Neutral density filters for Moon observation
Deep-sky filters, for such objects as galaxies, nebulae and more

Deep-sky objects can be imaged in much greater detail than was possible many years ago. Amateur astronomers can take photographs that rival those of professional observatories! The ability to do this has been brought about by the revolution in CCD cameras and improved filters.

The book pinpoints which astronomical objects are best observed with which filters. Post-processing (using Photoshop) is also discussed, since it is helpful in further improving filtered astro images.

The last part of the book is an observational guide to 100 deep sky objects that benefit from the use of filters – all personally observed by the author – with notes on the filters used (or potentially of use) in their observation and imaging. There are also notes on their celestial coordinates, magnitudes and other pertinent information.

About the authors

Dr. Martin Griffiths from the UK, is an enthusiastic observer, science communicator, and professional astronomer who utilizes astronomy, history, and science fiction as tools to encourage greater public understanding of science. He is Senior Lecturer in Astronomy at the University of Glamorgan in Wales. To promote public interest in the night sky he has written an observational guide entitled “Alien Worlds” (University of Glamorgan Press, 2004), and contributes articles on varied astronomical topics for popular magazines. His observational abilities have resulted in him being honored with awards on the Messier and Herschel objects by the Astronomical League. He is the recipient of the Astrobiology Society of Britain's Public Engagement Award.

Martin was a founding member of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute Science Communication Group, active between 2003-2006 and managed a multi-million pound ESF program in Astrobiology for adult learners between 2003-2008. He continues to promote cross-disciplinary links between science and culture that reflect his educational background and interests. He is an avid astronomer and is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society; a member of the British Astronomical Association; the Webb Deep-Sky Society; the Society for Popular Astronomy and the Astronomical League. He is also the local representative for the British Astronomical Association’s Campaign. He has recently published “Planetary Nebulae and How to Observe Them” (Springer, 2012).


The book covers light pollution filters, planetary filters, solar filters, ND filters for lunar observing and the range of filters for Deep sky imaging. … Overall this is a very nice book, and the first one that concentrates solely on filters. The most useful part of this book for me is the list of objects and what filters work best on that object. (, February, 2015)

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Visual and Astrophotography
13 July 2018  | 

As a visual observer only, I was a little disappointed with this book, I assumed the author would be more intersted in the AP side and this was confirmed. The visual stuff mainly centred around using coloured filters on planetary observation which few amatuers rate these days. The write cups on Moon filters was brief and straight to the point. However, there was nothing on UHC, OIII, Hb or LPR filters for visual use, all of which have become popular with amatuer observers recently (the book was published in 2015), instead the author saved these items for the AP part of the book, helpful, but not ideal. Visual filters also includes solar viewing. A section on telescopes and their types was completely out of place in my opinion.

The book is divided into two parts, roughly 100 pages on visual, 155on AS including processing in Photoshop and a list of targets (incl. photos) and their matching filter suggestions.

For me I would have liked more in recommendations but nothing is discussed on the best items to buy. For me, I hoped this might be agood companion to Bill Paolini's brilliant book 'Chosing and Using Astronomical Eyepieces', but sadly, the author has nothing of the directness and immediacy of Bill's and forthright style.

If you know nothing about astronomical filters then this book is a good starting point, but for intermediate and advanced observers in my opinion this book does not cut the ice.


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