Offers a noticeable improvement in brightness, contrast and overall sharpness when compared to budget diagonals!
Introducing New 2014 model William Optics Dura-Bright diagonal - a dramatic step forward in the evolution of mirror diagonals! This 90° 1.25"mirror-type star diagonal has a Dura-Bright thick mirror and dielectric mirror coatings for 99% reflectivity which provides higher contrast and resolution during critical planetary, lunar and binary star observations.
Dura-Bright features 100% real carbon fiber side plates that add that touch of class your scope deserves.
The WO 1.25" Dura-Bright Diagonal was designed with several unique features to provide optimum performance and years of use.
Average Rating (19 Reviews): | |
All dielectrics not equal 14 July 2024 | Christopher
I bought this to replace the Sky-Watcher dielectric diagonal wasn’t expecting a lot of difference after doing research on many forums. Wow was I wrong it was on sale and thought give it a try. Optics a lot sharper having only testing it during the day due to weather but definitely glad I took the plunge. Service as always from flo spot on super quick delivery
16 February 2024 | Martyn
This is a solid and well made piece of kit. Have used it with an 80mm ED refractor and an 180mm Mak. A clear improvement in image quality and brightness over a range of magnifications (visual observation of Jupiter) in both telescopes when compared to my previous 'dielectric' diagonal. Clearly not all 'dielectrics' are made equal!. Highly recommended.
11 July 2023 | Philip
Well constructed of metal and fibreglass and much brighter than the mainly plastic one that came with my telescope. Highly recommended, especially for anyone with a small-aperture telescope that needs all the light you can get. Super-fast dispatch and delivery from FLO.
02 September 2022 | John
Improved views through my 'classic' (!) 50 years old Prinz Astral 550 refractor. Recommended, as are FLO - great service.
09 August 2022 | Stephen
Great optics and a clear upgrade from diagonal that came with scope. Feels very well made & substantial to last for years. Good value too.
Brilliant service, as always, from FLO.
16 December 2021 | Michael
Bought to replace the cheap plastic diagonal that comes with most telescopes, a lot of beginner telescopes are dismissed as rubbish or useless but when you upgrade the diagonal and eyepieces its surprising how much it improves the experience.
This is a top premium product that will last and once purchased it can be used for future telescopes you buy.
Flo are fantastic, never had a bad experience with all the items I have bought, highly recommend.
This Transformed the Optics Path of my Skymax 127... 12 February 2021 | Olly
I bought a Skywatcher Skymax 127 a few weeks ago as my first OTA... I had studied many forums and watched hours of YouTube in deciding which scope to invest in... I decided on a MAK as it’s great for planetary and Lunar viewing and also because it’s a compact and ‘easy to use’ device. I was delighted with the performance of the scope but, inevitably, after using it a few times I wondered if I could make a few improvements by replacing some of the included ‘accessories’. The supplied 25mm EP was quite good but the Skywatcher 10mm EP was horrible so, on the recommendation of FLO, I purchased a couple of BST eyepieces and discovered just how ‘average’ the supplied EPs were! I also replaced the finder scope with a Baader Red Dot Finder and that also was a marked improvement. Then it occurred to me that the optics in the OTA were superb and also the new BST eyepiece was great but sat in between them was the ‘stock’ Skywatcher Diagonal. After spending hours on forums (again) I was a little unclear as to whether buying a high-quality Diagonal would be worth the investment. In the end I decided to go for it, especially as the William Optics Diagonal had some great reviews for build quality and they are renowned for producing excellent optics.
I thought there might be some improvement but the difference, compared to the supplied Skywatcher item, is quite dramatic... looking at rooftops about a mile away it’s a crystal clear image, where before it was ok but not really filling the full eyepiece with a quality image, it’s also so much brighter...
I’ve yet to get a clear sky to try it out at night but it’s just obvious that it’s going to be a big improvement...
A few people on blogs are sceptical about this upgrade but for my Skymax 127, which has great optics in the tube, it’s really allowing the OTA to do it’s job... Brilliant!
If you have a Skymax 127 or you are considering buying one then fitting this diagonal is simply a no-brainer; it dramatically improves on an, already, good viewing experience and turns it into something quite special.
A lot of experienced people on various forums will claim that the improvement with a diagonal upgrade is small but on my Skymax 127 it has transformed what you see in the eyepiece...
I also now have an item that can be used with a high-end scope in the future... happy days...
William Optics 1.25" DURA-BRIGHT Dielectric Diagonal 04 December 2020 | Stephen
Quality diagonal that delivers improved performance. Definite increase in brightness in the viewed image, and a good choice as an upgrade to the supplied star diagonal.
08 September 2020 | Graham
Not been used much due to cloudy skies locally. Excellent quality build as you would expect from this provider. Wonderful customer service as always from FLO, thanks all!
12 August 2020 | David
Exactly what you would expect from William Optics. Well designed and beautifully made.
Read all 19 customer reviews...