Telrad Riser Base
Telrad Riser BaseTelrad Riser BaseTelrad Riser BaseTelrad Riser Base

Telrad Riser Base

  (14 Reviews)
✓ 2 year warranty


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About this product

Model:  telrad-riser-2102

For those who prefer there Telrad Finder a little higher above the telescope tube.

Available in 2-inch and 4-inch versions. 

Quick and easy to fit.

Customer reviews

Average Rating (14 Reviews):  
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Rating (max 5):  
Easier to get your eye to the Telrad
18 February 2025  | 

The whole Telrad system is reasonably bulky but this does work well and means there's a reasonable space in which to insert your head when looking down the Telrad.

Rating (max 5):  
Telrad Riser Base
15 March 2024  | 

Essential piece of kit if you don't want a stiff neck after your observing session. It lifts the Telrad up to a comfortable position over your telescope, providing excellent views of the night sky. Recommend it from FLO.

Rating (max 5):  
Telrad Upgrade
24 August 2023  | 

The Telrad Riser Base seem expensive for what they are made of (plastic strips glued together) but functions perfectly provided you don’t over tighten the retaining screws. My Telrad dropped on target without problem and the extra height means a more relaxed head position against the telescope side (200PDS). It is used in conjunction with the dew shield and mirror which I have reviewed separately.

Rating (max 5):  
2” Telrad Riser plate.
21 January 2023  | 

Great little piece of equipment that allows you to lift up your Telrad finder from your telescope. Some scopes can do without this like when I owned my 127 Maksutov, but my new Stella Lyra 12” dobsonian definitely benefits from this addition. Delivered along with my scope speedily by FLO.

Rating (max 5):  
Easy viewing
25 August 2022  | 

Superb accessory for the Telrad Finderscope. Makes the viewing / positioning of objects much easier and comfortable.
Fits the Telrad & it's scope mounted base perfectly. Great price with super fast delivery from FLO.

Rating (max 5):  
Telrad riser base, 2inch.
12 June 2022  | 

I wanted the 4 inch base but they were out of stock so opted for the 2 inch and this fine for my 10 inch dob mounted Skywatcher reflector, made of plastic but solid build....And once again great sevice from FLO.

Rating (max 5):  
Expensive bit of plastic but worth it
10 February 2022  | 

Having read multiple comments on websites and videos on YouTube I realised one of the risers would be a good idea, but I wasn't sure between the 2" and the 4". Now having got it on my scope I'd strongly recommend the 4" as it is perfectly positioned to make it easier to use the Telrad.

Rating (max 5):  
Telrad riser
07 January 2022  | 

I ordered this in the 4 inch version as I'm a large man and figured I'll get a better view this way. It arrived today such is great just a bit annoying as weather terrible today but previous w nights were perfect conditions. Product is what I wanted when I get chance to use it I'll update this review but so far I can't complain.

Rating (max 5):  
Expensive but functions well
23 December 2021  | 

Great service from FLO as usual.
Great bit of kit that makes using a big Newt easier. Dropped it a star because its expensive for a bit of plastic.

Rating (max 5):  
Neck problems solved 😃
10 November 2021  | 

I could no longer use my Telrad/Skywatcher 200p combo due to a neck injury. However, the Telrad Riser bar has solved the problem. I think most if not all users of reflectors would benefit from the Riser bar, IMHO. 👍

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