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Model: iop_gem45agPart Number: 7603AG
The latest addition to GEM45 family is a GEM45 with an on board guiding camera, iGuider. The iGuider consists of a 30mm f4 lens with a 1/3 inch, 3.75um pixel imaging sensor conveniently imbedded in the mount dovetail saddle. The iPolar, iGuider and an extra USB port on the dovetail saddle are all connected through one USB connection.
With its integrated electronic polar scope (iPolar) polar alignment is a breeze, even when the pole star is obscured.
IOptron's reliable ultra-quiet stepper motors provide precise pointing and tracking together with low power consumption. Large levers make it easy to engage the drive gears into place, even when wearing gloves.
Integrated internal cable management means there is little chance of your cables becoming snagged and a dual saddle accommodates both Losmandy and Vixen style dovetail plates.
A new 'LiteRoc' 1.75" tripod delivers high stability in a lighter, more compact package.
Other features include computerised GOTO with a 212,000+ object library (includes star identification) GPS and Wi-Fi (requires optional StarFi adapter).
* OTA size and length dependent** Measured with encoder, 400 seconds
Quick Start GuideInstruction ManualiPolar Operation ManualiGuider Operation ManualFirmware:
GEM45 FirmwareiPolar SoftwareFTDI VCP Driver, or go to FTDI Chip website to download the VCP driveriOptron Telescope ASCOM Driver:
Install ASCOM Driver and CommanderiGuider ASCOM Driver
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