Dark Art or Magic Bullet - Steve Richards

Dark Art or Magic Bullet - Steve Richards

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Dark Art or Magic Bullet? A Beginner's Guide to Deep Sky Image Processing by Steve Richards

A new book by the author of ‘Making Every Photon Count’, due for publication in time for Christmas.

Whereas ‘Making Every Photon Count’ concentrates on the equipment and capture techniques required for successful deep sky astro-photography, ‘Dark Art or Magic Bullet?' covers image processing, mainly using PhotoShop. 

  • Aimed specifically at beginners, new concepts are explained in plain terms ensuring the reader develops a comfortable understanding of the software and procedures required to produce beautiful images. 
  • Advice is based on tried and tested methods aimed at producing stunning results from your hard-won data. 
  • The logical progression of an image processing session from calibrating and stacking the data through to producing images full of colour and detail, is explored in depth. 
  • Written in an easy to read understandable style with numerous illustrations and examples to lead the beginner through to more advanced topics. 
  • Lie-flat design makes it easy to follow written procedures while working on your own images 

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A really good informative book on getting into advanced Astronomy Imaging and image editing.
27 December 2024  | 

I purchased this book on a bit of a whim really. One of those adverts that pops up on Social Media in the run upto Christmas- but despite it’s cumbersome title- it sort of grabbed my attention and I soon made a purchase.

Well, it’s a very interesting take on the processes involved in acquiring, stacking, editing and polishing Astrophotography imaging and imagery. It’ starts out at the very beginning looking at astronomy gear in general, before explaining the basic imaging process in easy layman’s terms before explaining the different types of cameras from your conventional DSLr to more specific Planetary and DSO type dedicated Astronomy cameras, before moving into the individual processes behind acquiring your raw image data from One Shot Colour cameras to combining multiple monochrome images from more sensitive cameras using individual (Red, Green and Blue) channel data and stacking them into one colour image. There are simple easy to follow flow charts explaining the processes involved before moving onto to the really fun stuff- editing and teasing out your lovely data into a vibrant image of your given target object in the night sky. Now, it does get technical in places especially with third party software like using Photoshop, but it’s still fairly easy to follow with plenty of page by page examples- and of course being a book, you can pause your work flow on your computer, put the kettle on and read over the chapter again at your leisure if you become unstuck at any point. Sometimes I personally find this approach more helpful than scrolling back n forth with online video tutorials and videos!

It’s mostly based on Photoshop, though there are references to other editing software packages out there including the daddy of them all PixInsight, though it’s really only scratching the surface with PixInsight.

For me though it’s a very informative title and easily explains a lot about the technical side of imaging including getting good data, how individual cameras work and how to debater them properly
- we’ve all struggled with skewed colours early on because we’ve not fathomed out our chosen cameras correct bayer pattern for software of choice to then extrapolate the data from! Fear not though it’s all in here in easy to understand form!

The best bit though- is its price point. I’ve amassed a few books on Astro imaging and Astro editing over the years but this is a very informative publication for quite a modest price point. I’d say it’s suitable for all from those just starting out with Astro Photography to the more accomplished seasoned Astrophotographers that are looking for a different authors take on the subject.

All in a very good informative book suitable for all abilities and it’s not priced to break the bank.

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Dark Art or Magic Book ?!
13 January 2021  | 

Excellent. Some struggle with alignment, others focusing, but personally my biggest obstacle to progress so far has been a distinct lack of Photo Shop knowledge, so this book is a breath of fresh air. Steve writes in a meticulous, articulated manner that conveys the key step by step info you will need in short paragraphs that are easy to follow. i now process with the image on the monitor, and the book in my lap. you literally cannot go wrong !! Now i use offset bias frames as well for the first time, the results are impressive, Go to www.nightskyimages.co.uk and look at Steve's images on his website, this should eviscerate any concerns about the price, which is actually damn good, ( under £20 ) considering the effort that goes into producing something of this quality. The service and customer care from FLO is first class to suit....

Rating (max 5):  
Not suitable for beginners/format not suitable
02 January 2021  | 

As a big fan of "making every photon count" Steve probably set the bar a little too high for "Dark Art".

I'm struggling my way through the book and as a beginner, it's nearly impossible to understand what is being discussed. Even when sat down at the computer and referencing the book as you work through the programs is very difficult as you have no frame of reference.

I'm sorry to say that a book is the least effective format for guidance with imaging software. I've had much higher success with processing using YouTube videos showing real-time walkthroughs.

I imagine the book is very useful if you understand the fundamentals of the programs referenced but unfortunately is of very little use to beginners. Quite disappointed!

Rating (max 5):  
Wealth of information
25 August 2020  | 

This is a great book for those looking for some in-depth relevant information on getting started in this field. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and will refer to it no doubt time and time again.

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Getting There.
30 January 2019  | 

Astro Photography is a huge step up from Visual Astronomy. The latter I have enjoyed for many years using different Telescopes. The photographic journey has just recently begun for me, and although I've prepared well equipment wise, my knowledge on the subject was pretty sparse. I have bought several Books on the subject, but none have really held my attention for very long.
I bought the Book 'Make Every Photon Count' by Steve Richards, and found it an absorbing read, although I have not finished reading it completely.
Steve's recent book, 'Dark Art or Magic Bullet' is going to be a huge help to me in my Endeavour to become proficient in the pursuit of Data gathering, and the very important aspect of Image processing.
Steve Richards is a highly respected Imager of the night sky, If I can produce work anywhere near as good as his, I'll be forever grateful to him for those books he has written for the benefit of myself, and many other aspiring Astro. Photographers.

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This book is a complete must just buy it and see your photos come alive
15 May 2018  | 

Highly recommend this book and written to a high standard!! and very good price for the information it provides 5 stars from me!!!

Rating (max 5):  
Excellent Book
14 February 2018  | 

I read the book almost, it was simple complication and straight forward, love it, i highly recommend it, thanks Steve Richards and thanks "FLO".

Rating (max 5):  
11 December 2017  | 

Having been very impressed with 'Making Every Photon Count' I was very quick to buy this when it became available. In the beginning there is so much mention of Maxim DL that I have found this a bit disconcerting. If you use Maxim DL then you may find this book invaluable. If you do not use Maxim DL and have no intention of doing so, then, in my opinion, some of this book will be wasted on you. Whilst there is much to be gained from the book in a general sense, the constant references to Maxim DL in the early stages, can leave you thinking it was primarily aimed at users of that application.


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