A Decade in Stargazing Book by Kevin Quinn

A Decade in Stargazing Book by Kevin Quinn

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"A decade in stargazing is a whirlwind tour through twelve constellations and a myriad of wonderful objects adorning each one, I expected the typical textbook like descriptions of constellations and objects within, but what I got instead was a refreshing and personal tour. Throughout this book I felt as though I was not so much taking in information but was sharing in his experiences, waiting for the next constellation and what lies within. It’s times like this where I wish I was a more talented book reviewer, it’s difficult to explain why exactly I felt a connection to this book, Kevin not only describes the objects within these constellations but he lets us in on what makes them special, why they fascinate him, how many times he has tried and failed to see one before finally seeing it, and we share in the excitement when he finally saw what was so elusive ..." Stargazerslounge.com review.

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A Decade in Stargazing Book by Kevin Quinn

80 Pages. Paperback.

Based on the author's detailed stargazing notes, compiled over a ten year period, and told through his personal connection with twelve constellations, A decade in stargazing contains a host of astronomical observations and impressions of a variety of objects, as well as insights and leaps of the imagination through time and space.

With details of the author's experiences whilst out stargazing – funny, moving, and even 'hold your breath scary' – alongside autobiographical asides and anecdotes, A decade in stargazing. part night sky guide, part deeply personal memoir, is an entertaining and informative look at one decade in stargazing ... Oh, and there’s an important life lesson involving a bear ...

Born in Northern Ireland in the (cough) early 60s, Kevin Quinn was fascinated by all things space from an early age. Although inspired by the Apollo moon landings, and a regular viewer of the BBC's Sky at Night television programme, it was only in his mid-thirties that he got his first telescope (cheap and very wobbly), and a pair of (charity shop/thrift store) binoculars.

Put off and disappointed by the poor quality views with this first equipment a long hiatus followed, before he finally invested in some decent equipment, and since doing so, he hasn't looked back.

Kevin Quinn

Kevin Quinn has been staring into space for as long as he can remember, and has actually been using binoculars and telescopes for over 20 years. An avid stargazer, Kevin was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2020, but continues to attend star parties, host public stargazing events, and generally tries to get out under the stars as often as possible.

He blogs regularly, and writes about astronomy for local magazines, hosts public stargazing sessions, and has helped countless Cubs and Scouts attain their Astronomy badges.

He lives in the Dorset village of Piddletrenthide with his wife, Julia, and has three children.

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