California Nebula - Borg 77ED-II f4.3 & SXVR-6942 Comments7 November 2012 | James The weathermen, bless 'em, forecast some clear skies last night so I got the Borg out and braved the elements (it was COLD!) and the various rockets and other gunpowder related debris dropping out of the sky (fireworks night!) and managed to get about an hour and a quarter of data of the California Nebula through the gaps in the clouds. The California Nebula is an emission nebula in Perseus and seems a great object to image but is apparently a tough one to see visually, but I haven't tried that yet! As the moon goes away for a time I'll probably turn my attention back to RGB for my M33 image so it may be a while before I get the OIII/SII for this one but it's not going anywhere. Here's 15x 5 minute subs in Ha through my Borg 77EDII f/4.3 using a Starlight Xpress SXVR-694 camera. Captured in Nebulosity, guided with PHD, stacked and processed in PixInsight. As always feel free to comment/criticise James
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Fabulous detail---which Ha filter did you use?
Hi Chris,
Thank you :-) I used a Baader 7nm Ha filter.