Astronomik IR Blocking Filter

Astronomik IR Blocking Filter

£54.00✓ 2 year warranty


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About this product

Model:  ak_ir-block_125
Part Number:  10230125

Astronomik Infrared-blocking filter for digital photography.

The filter should be used as a standard at all imaging applications with sensors having a low sensitivity in the UV, e.g. Webcam, DSI and LPI from Meade or most video systems. Put this filter in front of your camera and you will get rid of all problems caused by IR like bright halos around all objects and a very soft overall image.

The IR-blocker is optimised for systems with focal ratios between f/0.5 and f/50. The typical transmission is higher than 99%.


  • Typical transmission higher than 99%
  • Optically polished substrate, striae-free and free of residual stresses
  • Not sensitive to high humidity or ageing effects
  • Scratch-resistance!
  • Excellent quality substrate, diffraction limited - the optical performance of your telescope will not be reduced
  • Parfocal with other Astronomik filters
  • 1mm Glass Thickness
  • Supplied in a high-quality, long lasting, filter box

Main use

The IR Blocker gives you a perfect parfocal filter. It blocks all IR light without modifying the visual part of the spectrum. It is also great as a dust protection for your telescope and camera.

Other uses

  • As a dust protection of Schmidt-Cassegrain, Schmidt-Newton or Maksutov system or as a dust protection in front of DSLR camera.
  • As an alternative instead of the UV-IR-Blocker if your camera has a low sensitivity at short wavelengths.
  • As an alternative instead of the MC Clear if your system has any refracting elements


You should think about using the UV-IR blocker if your camera has a high sensitivity at short wavelengths. Think about using the MC Clear glass if you have a system without any refracting elements. If you do colour imaging from light polluted places, please think about using the CLS CCD filter for the luminance data instead!


When the seeing is very bad and the instrument is 10" (250 mm) or larger, the Astronomik ProPlanet IR 807 may be the better choice.

Transmission Chart

  • The horizontal axis is the Wavelength in Nanometers (nm). 400nm is deep blue, at 520nm the human eye senses green and at 600nm red. At 656nm is the famous "H-Alpha" emission line of hydrogen.
  • The transmission in % is plotted on the vertical axis.
  • The blue line shows the transmission of the filter.
  • The most important emission lines from nebulas are shown in orange. The most important lines are from ionised Hydrogen (H-alpha and H-beta) and double ionised oxygen (OIII).

The major emission lines of artificial light pollution:
| Hg 435,8nm | Hg 546,1nm | Hg 577,0nm | Hg 578,1nm |
| Na 589,0nm | Na 589,6nm | Na 615,4nm | Na 616,1nm |

The major emission lines of nebulas:
H-β 486,1nm | OIII 495,9nm | OIII 500,7nm | H-α 656,3nm


  • Visual observation (dark skies): It depends, for dust protection only
  • Visual observation (urban skies): It depends, for dust protection only
  • Film photography: It depends, for dust protection only
  • CCD photography: Very good, if used with optics which contain refracting elements
  • DSLR photography (original): It depends, for dust protection only
  • DSLR photography (astro modified): It depends, for dust protection only
  • DSLR photography (MC modified): Very good, if used with optics which contain refracting elements
  • Webcam / Video (Planets): Very good, if used with optics which contain refracting elements
  • Webcam / Video (Deep Sky): Very good, if used with optics which contain refracting elements

Technical Data

  • Typical transmission higher than 99%
  • Parfocal with all Astronomik filters
  • Thickness of 1mm
  • Not sensitive to moisture, scratch resistant or ageing
  • Optically polished substrate, striae-free and free of residual stresses
  • Astronomik filters are delivered in a high-quality, long lasting, filter box


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