Baader IR-Pass Filter

Baader IR-Pass Filter

  (1 Review)
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About this product

Model:  birpass-1
Part Number:  2458385

The Baader IR-Pass filter blocks wavelengths below 685 nm.  At these longer wavelengths, planetary images are less disturbed by wavefront distortions in the atmosphere (seeing).  By combining a luminance image taken with the IR-Pass filter, along with  RGB frames, overall image sharpness is significantly enhanced.  Some of the world's best amateur planetary images have been taken with this technique.

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IR pass filter - really woks.
20 July 2019  | 

only had the opportunuty to quickly try this visually on the moon. It shows a rather lovely deep red. Comparing to no filter I can see a huge difference in atmospheric wobbling - its virtually eliminated so have high hopes when I get the chance to image with it.


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